
Infinite Possibility

Posted at July 27, 2013 | By : | Categories : Blog | 0 Comment

Beyond the limits of my thinking, there is a vast land of possibility which most of us have only caught glimpses of in our lifetimes.

Just this morning during meditation, I was thinking that one of the definitions of healing might be to let go of the limits my mind puts on the amount of love that I can experience. The great Persian mystic Hafiz offers us an invitation to rest and trust in the presence of divine love upholding us.

Just sit here right now
Don’t do a thing
Just rest
For your separation from God is the hardest work in this world.

My ego is always telling me I have to “do” something to create love, to experience the Infinite. Yet, beyond the limits of my thinking, there is a vast land of possibility which most of us have only caught glimpses of in our lifetimes. Many people experience the kind of “magic” I am speaking of when a baby is born, when a loved one dies, while watching a sunset or when they experience heartbreak and can no longer try to control their reality. The veil thins and, we don’t fight so hard to maintain our separation from our true nature that is always present. Yet the saints and mystics from all traditions have taken on this quest to part the veil on a daily basis — to let go of, question and move beyond their perceptions and to experience the formless abundance of divine mystery. For me this can be scary work at times. I have to be willing to tear down the façade I have built over years of patterning and conditioning to surrender who I think I am for the infinite mystery of who I really am. Yet, as Hafiz says it actually harder to maintain my separation from God than it is to release it. When I reach that sweet spot in meditation after letting go of the thoughts that  keep building walls, I can’t imagine ever wanting to build walls again. What a joyous gift to rest in love. What could be more magnificent and blissful?

Yet, meditation practice ends, I return to work and open an email and notice that someone didn’t respond affirmatively to a creative proposal I pitched. I am tempted to close down. Or, I turn on the news and hear that children are being murdered by a military regime in their own country. All that love and peace I just felt begins to feel shaky, and my ego takes its hammer out ready to build walls. I begin to doubt if love is as abundant as I just felt during meditation.

I maintain a regular journaling and meditation practice to remind myself of the truth of my experience of divine love. Yet, I am still human. So, I meditate, forget, write and then remember again. Writing helps me to embed some lessons so deeply that I rarely forget them. Others are more challenging, yet I still practice. In meditation, I allow myself to “rest” as Hafiz says. And this slowly brings more moments of rest and letting go into infinite possibilities throughout the rest of my days.

This blog is dedicated to my original meditation teacher, Lorne, who passed this morning and now lives in infinite love. Rest in peace dear one.

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